Balance+Plus BASIC* Fall Assessment Systems
For a balance assessment to be effective it must do the following:
1. Identify whether a problem exists,
2. Determine the underlying cause of the problem, and
3. Determine whether corrective action is needed or has been effective.
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Balance+Plus's Fall Assessment Systems are devised to achieve these goals. The Balance+Plus BASIC Fall Assessment Systems are designed to quantify a person's ability to maintain balance through postural sway measurements. Increased postural sway is a strong indicator of poor balance and a leading cause of falls. Using the BASIC+ test protocols, a clinician may determine the cause of the balance problem. With the training protocols, that problem may be corrected.
Balance+Plus BASIC Systems have very simple testing processes. While the subject stands on the balance platform, strain gage force sensors at each corner of the balance platform collect data. This is processed to compute the motion of the center of pressure (CoP), which is then compared to the Standard Limit of Stability of the subject. This information is used to produce printable reports displaying the Stability Score along with other balance related parameters. The physician report also displays normative data for age matched normal population for comparison purposes.
The setup of the BASIC System is very easy. The digital balance platform plugs into the USB port of a computer and the Balance+Plus Balance Tracking Software installation takes only minutes.
With effortless setup and user-friendly assessment and training protocols, Balance+Plus is ideal for physicians, physical and occupational therapists, audiologists, nursing homes, and research. Many clinicians use our system when a patient complains of being dizzy or having balance problems. The BASIC+ Balance+Plus System identifies which body system is not functioning correctly – visual, vestibular, or proprioceptive. Nursing homes and clinics are using the system to identify which clients have a greater likelihood of falling. Therapists are using the training protocols for balance rehabilitation and then evaluating the progress using the assessment tests. Balance+Plus is invaluable to those working with the elderly, injured athletes or workers, and stroke or Parkinson’s patients.
Balance and Fall Risk Assessment
The Balance+Plus software measures stability, with eyes open and eyes closed, on a hard level surface, as well as on a compliant foam surface with the BASIC+ FAS. These tests mimic the surfaces people encounter in daily living. The rigid balance platform surface is much like a tile floor or a cement sidewalk; while the foam surface simulates plush carpeting, deep grass, or a gravel walkway.
An additional Limit of Stability test measures the maximum range the subject can comfortably maintain balance in forward, backward, left, and right directions.
The Balance+Plus software allows the clinician to select which test to perform and in which order, thus tailoring the specific protocol to the specific patient. Instructions included for each test specify when to stand on the platform, how to position the feet, and what to do during the test.
Tests the subject's ability to maintain balance on a hard surface with eyes open. Allows the subject to use all his senses to maintain balance. |
Tests the subject's ability to maintain balance on a hard surface with eyes closed. Requires the subject to rely on vestibular and proprioceptive systems. Difficulty could indicate heavy reliance on visual cues. |
Tests the subject's ability to maintain balance on a compliant surface with eyes open. Requires the subject to rely on visual and vestibular systems. |
Tests the subject's ability to maintain balance on a compliant surface with eyes closed. This removes vision and conflicts proprioception. Difficulty could indicate vestibular problems. |
Tests the maximum range of movement in sagittal and lateral directions the subject can sustain without losing balance. |
Each test protocol runs for 10-20 seconds. At the end of each test a printable report is generated that gives a stability score based on the patient's performance and age-matched data.
Balance Training
The Balance Training Software in the BASIC+ System incorporates three aspects of training: Static Balance Training, Dynamic Balance Training, and Limit of Stability Training. These training protocols are suitable for rehabilitating those with balance disorders and training athletes who seek to improve their performance.
The difficulty level in each session can be changed by varying different session parameters, including but not limited to: surface type, number of feet, target size, target speed, time duration, target path, and target location. Some of the session parameters are normalized with respect to the Limit of Stability of the individual patient undergoing training. Adjustable parameters allow the clinician to tailor the training to the individual's rehabilitative needs while allowing the same system to be used for hundreds of patients.
The Static Balance Training protocol trains the patient to control his or her Center of Gravity (CoG) at different static postures such as standing on one foot or both feet and on different surfaces such as rigid or compliant. The patient tries to keep the CoG in a confined area. This target has adjustable position and size. The length of the time period for training is also adjustable. |
The Dynamic Balance Training protocol can be used to train patients to control the CoG under dynamic conditions while the body is moving. The protocol entails moving the CoG to follow moving targets along a variety of paths or moving his or her CoG along different paths at a comfortable pace. The speed and the size of the path pattern are adjustable for each patient. In addition, training can be performed on both rigid and compliant surfaces.
The Limit of Stability Training protocol is designed to facilitate the patient’s ability to voluntarily shift the body center of gravity (CoG) to specific locations and maintain the body at that location for a specified amount of time. This session aims at improving reaction time and sway velocity while shifting the CoG. The locations and size of the target positions are adjustable, and training can be performed either in a sequential or random mode.
The BASIC+ equipment also utilizes a sophisticated training software, which allows the following:
1) The therapist is now able to create protocols for general use or individualized to each patient, which makes the system move from one treatment regime to the next to the next – without the therapist needing to touch the software (or even be standing there every moment).
2) The patient's interest can be maintained by training utilizing game software, such as the patient using their balance strategies to maneuver an airplane, race car, skier through modern graphics on screen etc.
Click here to watch an Introductory Video on the BASIC+ Fall Assessment Balance System
Balance+Plus Fall Assessment Systems
System |
Assessment |
Training |
ST |
DT |
Balance+Plus Screener |
Balance+Plus Screener & Trainer |
NSEO: Normal Stability - Eyes Open |
ST: Static Training |
Click here to watch an Introductory Video on the BASIC+ Fall Assessment System
Billing and Coding
The Balance+Plus Fall Assessment System can be billed with the following CPT codes:
- 92548 – Posturography
97750 – Physical Performance Test
- 97001 – Initial Evaluation
- 97110 – Therapeutic Exercises
- 97112 – Neuromuscular Reeducation
- 97530 – Functional Exercises
* Disclaimers:
Procedure coding should be based upon medical necessity and procedures and supplies provided to the patient.
Reimbursements are based on 2016 Medicare rates. For up to date Medicare rates listed by CPT code consult the following website:
Financial calculations are provided for illustration purposes only. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy and suitability of all assumptions and calculations.
Coding, reimbursement and revenue information is provided for educational purposes and does not assure coverage, nor is it a guarantee of service in any given case.
Contact your local Medicare Fiscal Intermediary, Carrier or CMS for specific information as payment rates listed are subject to change.
Be sure to read the Healthcare Covenants in the purchase agreement regarding your due diligence responsibilities.
Please seek the advice of licensed and/or competent individuals before making any investment decisions.
Innovative Healthcare makes no guarantee of reimbursement of fees or lease/loan rates.
BASIC+FAS also includes a foam pad for additional balance tests and training/rehab software.
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