Overview of The Need for BASIC Fall-Risk Assessment Screening
and Innovative Healthcare's Unique “Try & Buy” Program*


Unfortunately for many patients, Doctors are typically in reactive mode – simply addressing the complaint the patient presents to them. They are missing almost all of the pathology that patients are keeping to themselves.


This is most prevalent when it comes to potentially life threatening dizziness and balance problems.


Most of the pain and suffering associated with balance problems (including premature death) can be avoided by doctors who take a pro-active approach and ask their patients if they have experienced any problems or concerns related to dizziness or balance before they receive a call from the emergency room.


What we are offering is preventative medicine at its finest and insurance companies (including Medicare) don’t mind paying for it.


There Is An Epidemic Going On...


We know that most of the patients who come to your office will not be there for anything related to dizziness. So, we suggest your front office staff hand each patient over the age of 60 our Patient Balance and Dizziness Survey to fill out while they sit in your waiting room. This questionnaire has 15 simple yes-or-no questions, such as “Do you ever lose your balance or feel dizzy or unsteady? “, “Have you fallen in the last 12 months?”, “Are you sometimes afraid of falling?”


All of the questions asked on our proactive surveys are related to dizziness & potential balance-related problems and it only takes patients a couple of minutes to fill them out. We have found that given a Survey, at least 50% of patients over 60 will answer “yes” to one or more questions related to potential dizziness or balance problems.


Because of the significant increase in patients who “may” have balance problems and the subsequent increase in reimbursements from the insurance companies and Medicare, we suggest that those patients who give positive answers on the questionnaire should then be tested using our BASIC Fall Assessment System.


Our experience has been that 50-75% of those patients surveyed will fail the BASIC Fall Assessment Test (i.e., test positive), which would justify further testing with our COMPREHENSIVE VNG & Caloric Testing System. We either have a doctor in your area that you can refer these patients to, who can provide this diagnostic testing, or we are in the process of looking for one at this time.


With Medicare rewarding Accountable Care Organizations (ACO's) and bonuses being paid for providing better care for patients, it is now time to seriously consider adding fall assessment to the services you offer in your practice. It is not only good medicine, but it may soon be mandatory. This is one of the reasons why Medicare typically reimburses approximately $100 for each 4-minute test, which can be done by a staff member...not the physician.


The real benefit from doing the above is identifying ALL the pathology in ALL your patients who may be at risk for falling and reducing the unnecessary pain and suffering (and even death) they may experience from fall-related injuries.


How the "TRY & BUY" Program Works

Our Fall Assessment Programs have helped doctors who use our BASIC Fall Assessment Equipment earn $50,000-$100,000 per year and our COMPREHENSIVE Balance+Plus VNG and Caloric Equipment earn from $200,000 to $500,000 a year—and the real beauty of our fall assessment programs is that the physician doesn't have to do the testing!

Our Goal is to help as many patients as possible eliminate the unneeded stress they experience from a “Fear of Falling” and reduce the pain and suffering so many elderly people experience because of unnecessary fall-related injuries. However, for whatever reason, some doctors (Practices) are fearful or uncertain about the effectiveness of the Balance+Plus Equipment, they don’t know if they have enough patients to justify the expense or they are concerned about reimbursements.


We feel confident that our Fall Assessment Systems are effective, affordable and will more than pay for themselves. Therefore, we are willing to offer a limited number of doctors a program which will allay their concerns about successful implementation of the BASIC Fall Assessment Program. It is called the “Try & Buy Program” and here is how it works:


Instead of paying cash for the BASIC Fall Assessment Equipment or financing it with a conventional lease/purchase program, IH will purchase the system and allow you to use the Equipment with the following criteria:


1. Per the Equipment License Agreement, you will be allowed to use the Equipment for up to 60 days to provide fall-risk assessment testing. You will be able to bill Medicare and other insurance companies for this testing. Again, Medicare typically reimburses approximately $100 per 4-minute test, which can be done by a staff member. After using the Equipment for 60 days and billing and collecting reimbursements from insurance companies and Medicare, as well as evaluating how your staff members perform, you will then have the option of either purchasing the Equipment or returning it to us.


2. Your only upfront cost is a modest Installation, Setup and Training Fee, which covers: (1) shipping all the Equipment to your office; (2) directing and overseeing the set up of all the Equipment in your office; (3) one day of on-site training for you and/or your staff or a 2-3 hour phone consultation on the use of the equipment and how to do the testing; (4) training provided by a professional billing and coding specialist to assist your billing staff obtain prompt reimbursements; and (5) ongoing maintenance and support from our staff.

At the end of the “Try & Buy” period, the Practice can purchase the Equipment at the price and terms stated in the Equipment License Agreement. If the practice sees 20 patients per week over the age of 60 years old, about 10 patients will need testing and the doctor will earn about $50,000 per year for about one hour of staff time per week. This means that the average practice will earn enough during the 60-day trial to pay off the equipment.


Click Here to Learn More About Our Patient Referral Doctor Program...

* Call to discuss the details of the IH’s Try & Buy Program and to request a copy of IH’s Equipment License Agreement.


SPECIAL NOTE: Practice understands that this Try & Buy Program does NOT ensure that the Practice will become IH’s Demo Site in its specific area. That program is offered on a first come, first served basis, and IH cannot guarantee that it will be available when the Practice has finished the Try & Buy 60-day period.